DIY Digital

Seminars, Online Marketing Courses and Workshops

Business advisory sessions are supported by, and available to businesses in the Cities of Holdfast Bay, Marion, Onkaparinga and Tea Tree Gully.

Consultations are via zoom and typically cover things like:

  • Website audit
  • How to do build your own site
  • Domain names and hosting
  • Google advertising
  • Google Business listing
  • Search engine optimisation
  • Email marketing
  • E-commerce
zoom training

Book a Zoom Consultation

Holdfast Bay, Marion and Onkaparinga Councils

Free and part funded advisory sessions as part of the Southern Business Mentoring Program.

Tea Tree Gully Council

Up to 3 free one hour advisory sessions as part of TTG’s support for local businesses program.

Other Councils

If you are from another council in South Australia, or another state, you can book Fiona for an advisory session from a Quick Question to a One Hour consultation.

Book an In-Person Consultation

Park Holme Library

  • Monday 22 July

Book online.

Seaford Library

  • Thursday 25 July

Book online.

Cove Civic Centre, Hallett Cove

  • Monday 29 July

Book online.

Modbury Civic Centre

  • Wednesday 7 August
  • Wednesday 28 August

Fill in the Business Support Request Form with the Council and once the booking is processed Fiona will contact you to arrange the in-person consultation.

Seminars, Webinars and Live Q&A’s

Website Editing w Divi and WordPress

Divi WordPress Q&A


Thursday 18 July

This live Q&A is for beginner to intermediate website editors. This is an opportunity to learn a few tricks ‘n tips in a forum style session. There will be plenty of time for asking questions in this live Q&A.


2024 Website Editing with Divi/WordPress

  • Thursday 18 July
  • Monday 19 August
  • Thursday 19 September
  • Monday 21 October
  • Thursday 21 November
  • Monday 16 December

More details and to book visit the Eventbrite listings.


Online Courses

Go Local First

Digital Marketing Courses – Self-Paced

Our unique and road tested training is perfect for do-it-yourself sole traders and small business owners. With a blend of videos, personal coaching sessions and implementation as we go, we offer the best digital marketing training packages available to small businesses in Australia.

You choose:

  • 100% online, in your own time at your own pace
  • or blended with personal coaching and part implementation

Fiona has presented over 50 online marketing courses to small businesses in Adelaide on topics covering Search Engine Optimisation, Google, MailChimp and WordPress.Β  Her presentations are simple, practical and engaging.


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